Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Create Outlook 2007 Add-in Button using VSTO

While searching for "How to create simple outlook add-in using VSTO with single button" on net, I could
not find any sample.
One good link I found is Creating Add ins For Outlook 2007

Jeff has explained how to add menu bar to Outlook 2007 nicely here. I just extended his code to add simple
add-in button.

Start Visual Studio, create a new project. In the Project Types, select Visual C# -> Office -> 2007.
In the right hand pane, choose Outlook 2007 Add-in.

Add few properties to class file generated by VSTO

private Outlook.Explorer explorer;
private Office.CommandBar bar;
private Office.CommandBarButton buttonOne;

Add function to add a new button

private void AddButton()
//Define the existent Menu Bar
explorer = this.Application.ActiveExplorer();

bar = explorer.CommandBars.Add("Hello World Bar", Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoBarPosition.msoBarTop,
missing, false);
bar.Visible = true;

buttonOne = (Office.CommandBarButton)bar.Controls.Add(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, missing,
missing, missing, false);

buttonOne.Caption = "Hello World";
buttonOne.Tag = "Hello World Bar.buttonOne";
buttonOne.Style = Office.MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonCaption;

//Assign event handler for button
buttonOne.Click += new Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(buttonOne_Click);
catch (Exception ex)
//This MessageBox is visible if there is an error
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message.ToString(), "Error Message Box", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

Write a event handler function

private void buttonOne_Click(Office.CommandBarButton ctrl, ref bool cancel)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Hello World");

Add call to "AddButton" function in "ThisAddIn_Startup" function

private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

If you execute this code multiple times then it will add your add-in to outlook command bars multiple times. To avoid that just add function to Remove the add-in on start up.

Write one more function to remove the add-in on start up.

#region Remove Button from Outlook's command bar
private void RemoveButton()
//If the button already exists, remove it.
Office.CommandBarButton foundMenu = (Office.CommandBarButton)
missing, "Hello World Bar.buttonOne", true);
if (foundMenu != null)
foreach (Office.CommandBar bar in this.Application.ActiveExplorer().CommandBars)
if (bar.Name.Equals("Hello World Bar"))
catch (Exception ex)

Now add call to "RemoveButton" in "ThisAddIn_Startup" function before call to "AddButton"

private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Search the menu and delete it if found

Now execute the code. This will start Outlook 2007 and add one command bar button to Outlook toolbar.

Happy Coding!


anil bhatt said...

Thanks for this wonderful blog dude. I searched for a long time in the internet for a simple sample outlook addin project. But could not find one. This is what i was looking for! Thanks Again!!!

Alex said...

I noticed numerous programs for recovering emails on the I-net blogs and forums. But no one of theirs couldn't help me yesterday evening, when I had 11 corrupted emails from my little brother. After that I set an objective for myself. Or more exactly I wanted to find a good tool. And I found it - export outlook ost file. It relieved my easy and quickly.

CRM Fan said...

Worked for me, thanks.

Unknown said...

Excellent post. have you posted another one ? do you recommend some book or any tutorial for a beginner like me ?